
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A few things…

How was your holiday? Mine was the best ever, (we say it every year). My sister Sharon told me it would be fun to have a little baby at Christmas and she was right, it was magical. He was Jesus--101 215

He is now two months and weighed in at 13lbs 2 oz.

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That is 4 lbs more than when he was born. Coincidentally I gained the exact same pounds in the exact same time frame. I will now pay homage and express deep devotion to: seven layer dip, neighbor goodie plates, apple cake with butter sauce and nuts & toffee of all kinds.

BONUS: The best and worst times for (hourly) milk production “let down” san baby…

Best: In the shower or swimming laps. Worse: In the middle of a yoga pose and talking to the bishop! I need to wear more black.

Post Edit: Duckie, you crack me up. In the comments she asked about my yoga with the bishop. Are you picturing tithing settlement and then BAM reverse warrior? heehee.


Miss M said...

why do you do yoga while you're talking to the bishop?

Jennifer said...

I was wondering that too! :0

What a beautiful little boy. I haven't forgotten my earlier offer. I'll get it together around here sometime. Still treading water ...

Jennifer said...

I was wondering that too! :0

What a beautiful little boy. I haven't forgotten my earlier offer. I'll get it together around here sometime. Still treading water ...

emily said...

We must have had a baby at the same time:) My little girl will be three months on Sunday... and it WAS so magical having a baby at Christmas. LOVED. IT!! I like your blog, BTW... very entertaining!!!

Robyn said...

Was the bishop there? I was pretty tired I probably wouldn't have noticed. I bet the let down would have waited if gravity had been in your favor, but with all those chuta rungas (how to you spell that) and down dogs there really was no hope. :)