
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tomorrow's To Do List

1. Update the Blog (for sure)

2. Apologize to the blogging world that Addie's Lazering as been spelled wrong for 2+ weeks. (done)

3. Make bread (might get done)

4. Shine the toilets (50/50)

5. Shop (not a chance)

Sorry for the long break folks--If if makes you feel any better, I've been blogging in my head. I'll post tomorrow guaranteed! (maybe)


Brandi said...

YaY! Can't wait!

Make bread has been on my list for awhile, too. It just takes such a big time commitment!

Jennifer said...

Can't wait for updates. I need something new to read while nursing!

Hmm. I ought to go make bread, too. It might be one of the last cool days of the season, and I hate to turn on the oven when it's baking outside!

Spencer family said...

I've been waiting! We've all missed you!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Fun fun fun.