A few post ago I mentioned hosting a lunch and had obtained the impossible: “open door clean”. Well—let me just tell you how far the mighty have fallen. Try as I might I just wipe the kitchen counter now when folks come over and and thank heaven for doors that can close & the wallflower that scents my bathroom. I can hardly see to brush my teeth with all the spots on the mirror.
At the weigh in last week I was up two pounds. Shame. I should have been writing down everything I eat and I haven’t. My “plan” so far was to eat 300-400 calories every 3 hours. And then to really wait and not eat for three hours—so hard. Well pass the notebook (which I can’t find) because as I type this, the open box of cinnamon Chex is being rifled through, I’m picking out just the cinnamon covered ones.
I can blame the two pounds on five days at the cabin. I tried so hard to endorse the good food--I even took cottage cheese, but it didn’t get opened. Before we left I sat down with the kids to plan one treat for each day. They had them memorized, and in that festive atmosphere I was a gonner. Friends joined us for joy on the sledding hill and full stomachs.
Anyone reading, if you got any pictures I’d love copies. I found my camera in the side pocket of my purse on the way home. I had packed it early so I wouldn’t forget it—I just forgot that I had.
We even built a snow igloo with Donna. I stopped at the Colombia outlet on the way home and found boots and snow pants for the kids for next year. What is with that store? I walk in and feel inclined to give them a ton of my money.
The Olympics are filling up the memory on our Replay (DVR). Anyone else recording with intentions to watch? Kind of like recording conference—so much coverage and all of a sudden I’m fascinated with aerials and Ohno. My observations: I want Shaun White’s hair. Never frizzy—and he’s always swishing it around. And what are the the ski jumping outfits made out of? A cross with spandex and foam? Imagine swimwear made of that.
Stuart has been falling asleep in odd places, in this photo he is so close to his bed face planted. He also has been crawling in with me in early mornings or late nights or any time really. I only really notice he's there when he floods or kicks, it is most unpleasant. Thoughts, anyone on keeping his door closed with the magic door handle on that essentially locks him in his room? I can’t do it yet but I’m getting desperate for uninterrupted sleep.
We did the inside door knob lock thing for Matthew, I felt pretty bad the first time he couldn't get out because he screamed but then after that, just the threat of the door closing kept him in his bed....just remember to open the door before you go to bed so they can use the bathroom...
Spencer gets in bed with me almost every night. I have to walk him back in and lay there til he falls back asleep....so annoying. It only happens once, but that is enough to make me super tired the next day. Don't know what I ever did with little babies waking me up all night! Chad always threatens to lock him in...hmmm
Jasper (2 1/2 years) has been in his big boy bed for a month now. Same set up as you -- mattress on the floor. We left the crib set up in his room and if he comes out or does not go to sleep willingly we threaten with the crib. Works like a charm. He has taken a handful of naps in his crib and then things are are right back to normal because he really wants to sleep in that crib.
I vote lock the door :)
But you could make an offical nest in your room. So it's the nest or his bed if he gets up at night. We also have them pray to stay in their bed all night long. It totally helps!
My kids are 11 and 7 and they still get up in the night and crawl into my bed. Sorry I can't help!
Ya, we lock the door... it's been great! I've been meaning to write you for a while, I'm so slow these days. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog. That was very sweet and I really really appreciated it. I've never been snowboarding before but I'm up for anything! Thank you again! I love your picture here on your header... so cute!
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